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Dream Dictionary:U字开头

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UFO Distant realms. Possibilities. The unknown. Ready to explore the unknown.
Ugly Offensive .Fear. Ready to confront your doubts or fears.
Umbrella Protection. Seeking shelter from emotional storm.
Under Covered. Restraint. Secrecy. You are loosing strength or power.
Underground Hidden feelings. Keeping a secret.
Underwater Submersion in emotion.
Undressing Nakedness. Exposure. Ready to reveal your true inner self.
Unicorn Mystery. Ready to understand your animal nature and your spiritual essence.
Uniform Identical. Conformity. Need to identify yourself with others or to break free of rules..
Universe Collective identity. Wholeness. You feel complete in all aspects of your life.
University Higher learning. Professional. Aspirations. Willing to put effort to achieve some knowledge.
Upside down Overturned. Confusion. Great disorder. You want to straighten something out.
Urinating Release. Embarrassment at emotional release. Need to clear some feelings.

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